Strong Legal

Image of attorneys Douglas E. Dilley and Miguel E. Dilley

San Antonio: The risk to pedestrians is high in the city

On Behalf of | Aug 29, 2017 | Car Accident Injuries |

San Antonio is a great place to raise a family, especially if you work in the industrial field. One problem with the area is the high risk of accidents with trucks and commercial vehicles due to the amount of industry in the city and surrounding areas.

Around 50 people die each year in San Antonio as a result of vehicle-versus-pedestrian accidents, as of data from 2016. Many are hit knowing that the area is a danger to them and their loved ones.

Why are these people at such a high risk of being hit?

One of the issues in the city is that there are many areas without enough crosswalks. In some areas, pedestrians have to wait for cars to pass, but there is such heavy traffic that it is nearly impossible to cross. As a solution to this issue, the city has installed “Z” crossings. These are crossings that allow a person to cross half the road, enter a safe space, and then cross the other half. This layout lowers the risk of an accident.

For particularly wide roads, city officials have looked into narrowing driving lanes and adding space for pedestrians. Making sidewalks and bike sidewalks larger by a few feet can make the difference when it comes to avoiding an accident.

While some people don’t want to see changes to the roads because of the potential for slower speed limits, lower speed limits are a benefit to pedestrians. Traveling just 5 mph lower can reduce the risk of a fatality in a crash by a significant amount.

When are crashes most likely in San Antonio?

Crashes are most likely between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m., which is when pedestrians walk in the dark. To help avoid a collision during those times, it’s a good idea to wear reflective, light-colored clothing whenever you’re near a roadway.

Crashes aren’t all avoidable, but with these changes, an improvement in safety is possible. If you’re hurt, you still have the ability to file a claim to get the compensation you’re entitled to.
